I find the quality and variety of discussions on the fediverse to be lower than what I had on reddit. Lemmings have strong preconceived notions and little interest in changing viewpoints from new information. I think I’ll be switching back.

Edit: you’ll find that most of the comments deny any shortcomings of the culture and go directly to invalidating my opinions via character assassination. If lemmy was a community that actually stood for the ideals which it espouses it would take constructive criticism in the spirit in which it was intended. QED.

  • Stamets@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    Dude I already cut out the part where I called you a Trump supporter so, no. Not a big backpedal. But you just did one, huh? Can’t actually defend your position on Star Trek so of course you jump ship and then try to pretend that being mod of two small communities is a “position of authority”. Bro if I wanted to abuse that position, you’d have been banned already on TenForward and a long time ago when I first saw those comments. Unfortunately for you, you are once again completely wrong. Shocker.

    Keep whining dude. You are a crotchety and racist old man. You are upset with newer Trek because it is displaying values that you do not agree with and you cannot cope with this. You are more accepting of a show made by a man who openly turned a main character into a woman who was raped to death because you cannot process the idea of true representation in Star Trek. You’re evil because you’re a shitty person. Not because I disagree with you.

    Have fun with your little tidal pool of misery because I’m done playing with a kiddie like you who can’t provide value to anything he claims or does lol