• afraid_of_zombies@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    what staple food are we experiencing a major shortage of?

    Me personally? Nothing. Parts of the world are pretty messed up now.

    We had shortages during the pandemic. They have largely resolved.

    Yes black swan events tend to create black swan effects. Not relevant when we are talking about 90 year old programs.

    But food companies have learned people still will buy food, so they kept prices high

    Already addressed this. Free money to people who want to cosplay as farmers is not me saying food distribution companies are morally perfect. I don’t have anything against cosplay but I don’t think you would like me to get your tax dollars to do it.

    With so much food controlled by so few, competition isn’t working.

    Wandering argument. Go demand an anti-trust suit.

    Growing food isn’t without a massive carbon and environmental footprint.

    Just throwing everything you can at this now?

    Trying to force a glut which will just result is spoiled food and bankrupt farmers is not the answer.

    Supply goes up, price goes down. And cosplay farmers should go bankrupt. Free them to do something useful with their life. I would be lying if I can list off a single one I grew up with who wasn’t a total failure at what they did. Go do something else! Be a welder, be an electrician, be an accountant do productive things and stop pretending you are good at what you aren’t.

    It makes as much sense to give fail farmers money as it does to pay my fat ass to play basketball