• rootOPA
    1 year ago

    Both letters were publicised by the Congress party in India.

    OpIndia did a report where we analysed 16 organisations and 24 lawmakers who undersigned the two letters and the findings were shocking (though not surprising) – the organisations and lawmakers have links with Islamic terror organisations, Khalistanis, anti-India and anti-Hindu elements.

    What was far more interesting, is the threads of connect between Congress and the anti-Hindu, anti-India elements which aimed to sabotage the State Visit.

    Rahul Gandhi is on a 10-day USA tour, where he spoke at the National Press Club, Stanford University and also, to ‘think tanks’, allegedly discussing relations between India and USA. The Hudson Institute tweeted images of Rahul Gandhi in deep conversation with these “think tanks”. Sunita Vishwanath was seated alongside Rahul Gandhi at this event at Hudson Institute. Sunita Vishwanath is the co-founder of HrHR, which has also signed this letter against Narendra Modi alongside IAMC.

    Investigating Info-warfare and Psy-war OSINT Disinfo Lab had conducted an investigation revealing that the ‘Hindus for Human Rights (HfHR)’ had been promoting the misleading narrative of ‘Hindu Vs Hindutva’. The same organisation was also seen endorsing the ‘Dismantling Global Hindutva’ event.

    As per Disinfo Lab, HfHR was formed in the year 2019 by two Islamist advocacy groups named Indian American Muslim Council (IAMC) and the Organization for Minorities of India (OFMI). Interestingly, the three organisations had formed another outfit called the Alliance for Justice and Accountability (AJA).

    As per an article in The Hindu, the Alliance for Justice and Accountability had been at the forefront of leading demonstrations against the visit of PM Modi to Houston on September 22, 2019. According to Disinfo Lab, the co-founder of Hindus for Human Rights, Sunita Vishwanath, also runs an organisation named ‘Women for Afghan Women’, which is funded by the Soros Open Society Foundation. Earlier, OpIndia reported in detail how George Soros had been fuelling a dangerous anti-India narrative through media and ‘civil society.’

    HfHR’s founding member Raju also heads EKTA. It is an associate organization of IAMC. The sole purpose was to have Hindus on the panel to project that the Hindus, in general, were against Hindutva. Interestingly, HfHR ran Facebook ads to promote previous USCIRF reports.

    Interestingly, Sunita Vishwanath, the co-founder of HfHR, is also closely connected to George Soros and Islamist-linked IAMC. The in-depth analysis of the web can be read here.

    Recently, HfHR released a toolkit against PM Modi’s US visit. OpIndia’s detailed report on it can be seen here.

    Indian American Muslim Council (IAMC), a radical Islamist group that has alleged links with banned terror organisations such as the Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI) and has a long history of lobbying against India.

    The IAMC is a Jamat-e-Islami-backed lobbyist organisation claiming to be a rights advocacy group. In the past, it had reportedly collaborated with and even paid money to various groups in the USA to get India blacklisted by the USCIRF (United States Commission on International Religious Freedom). A detailed report by Disinfo Lab has exposed its links with the terror outfit Jamat-e-Islami.

    IAMC founder Shaik Ubaid and member Abdul Malik Mujahid have headed the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), the US front for Jamaat-e-Islami, Pakistan. According to DisInfo Lab, ICNA has established links with Pakistan-based terror groups like the Lashkar-e-Taiba. Rasheed Ahmed, who heads the IAMC currently, was the former executive director of the Islamic Medical Association of North America (IMANA). IMANA’s Director of Operations is Zahid Mahmood, an ex-Pak Navy official.

    Similar reports covered by OpIndia on HfHR and Hamas-linked Islamist group CAIR can be read here and here.

    IAMC has, in fact, come out in support of Rahul Gandhi several times and George Soros, with links to HfHR and by extension, IAMC, had not only dedicated money to combat nationalists including PM Modi but waded into the Adani fiasco, supporting Rahul Gandhi’s premise that Modi will have to be held accountable for a mythical ‘scam’.

    The sinister agenda to sabotage the State Visit of an Indian Prime minister became even more apparent when Rahul Gandhi planned his visit right before that of PM Modi. During his visit, along with his alliance with HfHR and IAMC, he maligned India while hailing anti-Hindu and Islamist organisations like the Muslim League, calling them secular. Rahul Gandhi in the US had several speaking engagements where he certainly stirred the pot, probably to the detriment of his own party and political career. His speech revolved around the usual themes – Hindus bad, Muslims god, Congress peaceful, ‘Hindu BJP’ communal, Muslim League secular, Rahul Gandhi victim, Modi bad.

    Interestingly, in an article in the Economic Times written by one Seema Sirohi, it was claimed that Rahul Gandhi during his visit made a trip to the White House, which both parties involved – the Biden administration and Rahul Gandhi (Congress) chose to keep under the wraps.

    For an opposition leader to visit the White House in ‘secret’, without disclosing it to the government of India and the MEA, is a serious breach of protocol and could potentially undermine India’s interests.

    Speculations were rife that Rahul Gandhi, in alliance with the Left and Islamists in the West, was attempting a regime change operation because democratically, Congress had been wiped out at the national level with no sign of revival.

    With the deep connections to rabid communists, Islamists and secret visits that have not been disclosed yet, it becomes evident that Congress seemed to have worked in tandem with anti-India and anti-Hindu elements to sabotage a State Visit by the Indian Prime Minister to a friendly nation. Who that Prime Minister is immaterial. In a country that values democracy above all else, ideally, the alliances being formed by Congress should be considered treacherous. Demanding foreign interference, as Rahul Gandhi has several times, along with allying with anti-India elements to undermine democracy in the nation, regardless of which party is in power, is an act of internal aggression against the State that must be considered seriously and deliberated upon by a nation that stands at the cusp of civilisational revival.
