My mind is on circles lately, my dad and other male comrades in my life says or said that as a man you should experience other’s before settling down.

Don’t get me wrong I do some have experience with woman, non sexual tho but I have some, so I somewhat know how to handle relationship.

So here the interesting part I have met my current Gf in freshman of college.

She’s a cool and a very smart woman I can tell you that, she stunning also I might add.

15 months in our relationship, she’s totally honest about het past within our first weeks of talking she already addressed it all, and also because of me asking things about it.

She have one body before me and I have none beforehand, her experiences with her ex happened when they were 13-14 lasted about a year.

They do some kind of acts like sending nudes have intercourse in that, my only bod is with her and I’m grateful about it she’s a wonderful person listen to me actually cared about my being.

Me and her both think that this might be it, this is it, here is where my question gonna appear am I missing out if I do actually end up with her? Should I be jealous that she have one before me and I have none? Or I’m totally fine just overthinking things.

Gladly here your opinions/thoughts about

    3 months ago

    If you’re happy and compatible, that’s all that matters. I can only speak for myself, but I did my rounds, and it simply doesn’t matter. Sure, it was fun at the time, but you get nothing rewarding from it. Like you said, she cares about you and your feelings. That’s where most people miss the mark. That’s the important, long lasting stuff.

    As far as being happy in the bedroom with one another, that’s a discussion between the two of you. Keep communication open, be willing to try/discuss new things, be respectful with one another, and you’re set.