What is your experience regarding programming while stoned? What is your advice?

  • @Sanctus@lemmy.world
    99 months ago

    Depends. Have you drawn out what you are doing beforehand? If so, yes.

    Are you experimenting and just trying to see what you can do? Then, yes.

    Are you the kind of person who is feelin’ it now Mr Krabs? Again, yes.

    I game dev, though. I wouldn’t want to deal with corporate applications while baked af.

  • Zeusbottom
    49 months ago

    Pot is my mind eraser, so I have to be prepared to work twice as hard at staying focused. I find more creativity and fun in coding when I’m sober. There’s a time and place for inebriation, and for me that’s not in front of an IDE.

  • Kalash
    29 months ago

    Honeslty, it works surpsingly well. At least when it comes down just putting the code down. I’m almost better at just “auto-pilot” coding when stoned.

    What doesn’t work for me is doing any kind of conceptual planning. That I do have to do while sober or I’ll probably have to refactor.

  • @MyDogLovesMe@lemmy.world
    29 months ago

    Micro, threshold dosing psilocybin would be more useful for creativity, and thinking around obstacles, etc.

    Supported by some research.

    • @ELI70OP
      29 months ago

      How would you describe the microdosing experience, I have heard a lot about it but never tried it myself. Only have done shrooms once.

    • @ELI70OP
      19 months ago

      more personal haha