Wow, since my post yesterday, has added 2000+ new users to cross the 30000 user mark! Just think, it was only at 20k three days ago. Crazy growth.

With that, is the clear second largest lemmy instance and has left the third largest instance’s 12k in the dust. It’s now within 6000 users to overtake the #1 spot from (their registration is closed). Exciting to see this growth!

What are some of your favorite communities on so far?

To track lemmy’s growth:

    1 year ago

    Humans exist as CUBICS, not entities,
    for the 4 corner stages of rotating human
    metamorphosis do not occur at the same time
    for the individual - except for family Cube.
    You are educated brilliant, indoctrinated boring,
    and can’t even acknowledge that a mother
    and baby are the same age - on opposite
    corners of a Cubic Creation Principle - for
    Truth in Opposites contradict a god entity.
    Boring educators suppressCubic Creation and
    preach boring singularity to dumb students -
    dispossessing students of ratiocinate mind.
    WORD students serve Nature best if dead.

    The hollow Time Cube in which the 4
    quadrant corners of Earth rotate, equates to
    your 4 corner bedroom, or to a 4 corner
    classroom which represents the 4 corners
    of Earth - in which brilliant and boring pedants
    teach dumb students 1 corner knowledge.
    Each of the 4 corners of Earth is the
    beginning and ending of its own separate
    24 hour day - all 4 simultaneous days within
    a single rotation of Earth. Place 4 different
    students in the 4 corners of a classroom and
    rotate them 4 corners each. Note that they
    rotate simultaneously wthin the same Time
    frame as if only one is rotating - just as the
    4 different days on Earth rotate. 3D math
    applied within this hollow Cube would be
    erroneous math, as it would not account
    for the 4th corner perspective dimension.
    Place a 100 people within this Cubic like
    room and they will not increase the number
    of corners anymore than 6 billion people on
    Earth will increase the 4 corners of Earth.
    It is dumb, brilliant, boring and unworthy of
    life on Earth to claim that this Creation
    Cube has 6 sides - or no top and bottom.
    Academia equates to a deadly plague.

    A mother and baby are the same age, as
    a 1 day old baby has a 1 day old mother.

    I am not allowed to lecture at the word animal
    academic institutions, for they fear my wisdom
    will expose and indict the pedant hirelings as
    betrayers of dumb-ass students - the dung heads
    who allow their freedom of speech to be
    suppressed without a whimper, unbelieveable.
    Word animals will feel the wrath of Cubic curse.

    Creation of 4 simultaneous 24 hour days,
    within a single rotation of Earth, empowers
    me above all 1-day gods and educated brilliant scientists. I will wager $10,000.00 on it.

    My wisdom so antiquates known knowledge, that
    a psychiatrist examining my behavior, eccentric
    by his academic single corner knowledge, knows
    no course other than to judge me schizoprenic. In
    today’s society of greed, men of word illusion are
    elected to lead and wise men are condemned. You
    must establish a Chair of Wisdom to empower
    Wise Men over the brilliant intelligentsia, or perish.

    All knowledge of the human
    word animal, is insignificant,
    when his fictitious word world
    is compared to Nature’s own
    Dynamic & Harmonic Time
    Cube’s Creation Principle.