• chemical_cutthroat@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    Ratchet & Clank and the Jak series are platformers which have fallen out of favor with most companies because they don’t sell well anymore. You could try A Hat In Time if that’s what you are looking for. As far as Lost Planet and the Halo series, I wouldn’t exactly call them sparkling examples of gameplay. Lost Planet was a pretty OK third person shooter, which you can still find a fair amount of out there (see: Ghost Recon, et al.), and Halo has Halo Infinite, the MCC, or you can go the route of Call of Duty, DOOM, Dying Light, or one of the many arena shooters that have come out in recent times, just search for “Boomer Shooters.”

    As far as your commentary on trailers, it’s often because visuals sell, and being able to script a cinematic to hit on every dopamine receptor is something that advertisers have been perfecting for generations. They don’t show gameplay because most of the time the gameplay is the same gameplay that you’ve seen before. If you want innovation, you have to go indie for the most part, and they don’t have trailers that often.