• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I had played around with configs before but it was mostly a random arrangement of stuff that didn’t really work together (and wasn’t meant to), but this was the first time I actually spent some time making something coherent. Also the already made catppuccin theme does a lot of the job

  • ᅠ᠎឴ᅠ᠎᠎᠎឵឵឴឵឴᠎ᅠ឴឵឵ᅠ឴឴឴឴឴឴឴឴឴឴឵឵឵឵     ᅠᅠᅠᅠ឴឵឵ᅠ឴ ᅠ឴឵ ឴ᅠ឵  ឵ ឵឴឴ᅠ ᅠ ᅠᅠ឵឴឵឴឴឵ ឵ᅠ឴ᅠ឵឴ ᅠ឴ᅠ឴ᅠ឴឴឴ᅠ ឴ᅠ ᅠ឵ᅠ឵ᅠ ឴ᅠ ឴ᅠ ឴ ឴ᅠ ឵឴឴ᅠ឵឴ᅠ឵឴ᅠ ឵឴឵឴឵឴឵ᅠ឴ᅠ឵឴ᅠ឵ᅠ឴឵឵ᅠ឴ᅠ឵឴឵឴ ឴ᅠ ឵឴ᅠ឵ᅠ឵ ᅠ឵ ᅠ឵ ឵    ᅠ឵ ᅠ ᅠ ឴ᅠ  ឴឴ ឴ ᅠᅠ឵឴឴ᅠ឴ᅠ ឴឴឴ᅠᅠᅠ឵ᅠ឵ᅠ឵឵឵឴ᅠ឴឵ᅠᅠ឵ᅠᅠᅠᅠ឴ᅠ឴ ᅠ ឴ᅠ ឴ᅠ ឴឵ᅠ឴ᅠ ឴឴឵឴឵឴឵឴឴ ឴ᅠ ឴឴឴ᅠ឵឴឵ᅠ឴ᅠ឵឴឴឵ᅠ឴឴ᅠ឵឴឴឵឴ ឴ᅠ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴឵ ឴឵ ឴ᅠ ឴   ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ឴ ᅠᅠ ᅠ ឴឵឴឵឴឴ᅠ឴ᅠ឴ᅠ឴ ᅠ឴ᅠ឴ᅠ឴ᅠ឴ᅠ឴ᅠᅠ឴ᅠ឴ ᅠ឴ᅠ឴ᅠ឴ᅠ឴឴ᅠ឴឴឴឴ ᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠ

    ឵឵឵ ឴឴឴឴឴឴឴ᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠ឵឵ ឴឴

  • Honestly, if you:

    • don’t care about data getting collected on an os you paid for
    • don’t care about getting ads on an os you paid for
    • don’t care about performance and have a fast computer
    • (*) can’t bother re-leaning how to do some things
    • (*) can’t bother facing and debugging some problems that you might encounter
    • (*) don’t care about being able to do things faster, at the cost of knowing exactly where to find things the moment you start using the system
    • don’t care about being able to customize any part of the system however you want

    then you might want to stay on Windows.

    (*) this depends on which distribution you choose. some are very similar to windows and beginner friendly.