Call me catty Any pronouns

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • Alright, absolute noob here, I’m not particularly interested in computer science or an OS I have to obsessively research. First, how is gaming on Linux nowadays? I play a lot of games, most of which are not triple-A, so I wonder how accessible this is. Second, what distributions are accessible and still customizable? I have all kinds of peripherals I’d like to be able to use, speaker systems, midi controllers, etc.

  • the sensors aren’t placed on desks, you can see that the displays are placed outside of bathrooms because that’s where kids generally vape. my high school has sensors inside the bathrooms on the ceiling and they don’t work. you’re thinking of a scenario that’s incredibly difficult and costly to implement, I assure you no district would be willing to hook this bullshit up to EVERY DESK. the term “Simon’s desk” here is likely just a name for one of the sensors they used to test this concept, with the sensor being located at the desk of a developer named simon

  • politely, i think you messed up

    speaking as someone who gets horribly anxious in similar situations, being flirted with is one reliable way to take it from anxiety to panic attack

    i think of the consent system of bdsm in situations like this, where crying should be interpreted as someone saying red light or another safeword. when tears are involved, or someone is disturbed in that way, (for lack of a better way of expressing this) fuck your emotions. turn off everything but the parts of your brain that handle caring for someone.

    since you’re here, i dont think this is hopeless at all though, youre willing to change and want to understamd what you did wrong. i commend you for that, and i hope you remember the “red light” idea for next time something similar happens.

  • sexual fantasies and high sex drive are perfectly fine as long as you keep it to consenting parties, no shame in experiencing these things

    i imagine regular masturbation would help somewhat but its up to you and how much time you have tbh

    the thing to always remember is that these fantasies and this sex drive dont mean anything about your morality, and dwelling on it will likely make you worry more.

  • people like me who can be bothered by it

    you not being upset by it doesnt necessarily mean there arent people who are upset by references to suicide or portrayals of sharp objects in this context

    its not quite necessary or expected on lemmy as far as i can see but its definitely appreciated when i have to see one less triggering post, cause the stress does add up

    though i will point out that its pretty useless when the image isnt spoilered or hidden within the body cause who reads the title first and THEN decides if they want to see the post

  • I’m not sure I’ve seen this take expressed here before… but here I go. I think the thing I appreciate about Lemmy is that it isn’t absurdly active. Before my switch to Lemmy (from Reddit ofc), I was compulsively checking Reddit for new content every 20 minutes, even taking priority over hyperfixations of mine. I like that there isn’t new content every 20 minutes. It’s like checking your fridge every 20 minutes for new food, and Reddit just keeps feeding you until you’re upset. This place feels like it “restocks” every day so that I don’t feel the need to check it obsessively. It’s improved my relationship with social media entirely. My only issue is the amount of bait, not just in the form of trolls but people riling themselves and others up with politics. I get it, I’m extremely far left too, but god if I come here in hopes of being less anxious I always see something that feels designed to make me angry. It’s less than Reddit but we could all work on considering if engaging is worth it. Learn to appreciate boredom and understimulation and it will change your life, especially those of you like me with an anxiety disorder.

    sorry for the tangent, tl;dr less content actually makes me less anxious and more comfortable and we should learn to appreciate the boredom that comes with that