• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • The real answer is that it doesn’t; you simply hear about it more. The other superpowers who are flying super-sonic jets around all day are much more secretive and if you think the retribution is bad here let me tell you it is worse in China or Russia. Also, people see these things with their naked eye all the time. Seriously, drive out to the mid-west and just look at the sky at night. You will see them up there, making their 90 degree turns and all. But the stigma is really so bad within our culture that people just don’t talk about it, and light pollution is so bad in the cities that you can’t see the sky anywhere near one.

  • This is really gross. An opinion article making dramatic debunking claims with zero evidence and linking to other opinion pieces, blogs, and youtube videos in a desperate attempt to appear thoroughly-sourced.

    I want to remove this, but I’d rather remind people here that we are not buying into a UFO scam, we are fighting against decades of disinformation and government secrets that have led to a global taboo about anything related to aliens. Contributing to that stigma and status-quo because you’re worried someone might write a book makes me sick. We want the truth, and people like this want you to give up and go home. Fuck them.