I was gonna say, members of a group caring for one another is a sign of a social species. Like, we have a sample size of one species becoming “civilized” but I can’t imagine a civilization developing in a species that isn’t social. But there are plenty of present and historical examples of this kind of social behavior without civilization.
What happens if you personally, or your household, stop using harmful energy sources? Nothing.
What happens if you organize enough people to stop using those resources? Like an entire town? Well, look at Reddit: if it looks like a finite demonstration, then the companies can completely ignore it and all will return to normal. If it’s an indefinite boycott, the companies can put a choke hold on the demonstrators until they capitulate. Then all will return to normal.
If the movement is less a demonstration than a lifestyle change from necessity? For that, look at the working and spending habits of two generations, and the billionaire-owned media companies that talk about them. Someone will spin it until the little guy is the bad guy, no matter how ridiculous it is on its face.
No, the people in power want us to play by their rules because they know as long as we do, they will win. We can’t just take them out of power, we must remove that power from existence.
Computers were a cap–oh, wait.
The Internet was–oh wait.
Satellites were–oh dang.
I guess shitty profiteers capitalizing on subsidized or even fully government-funded inventions is what that commenter means by capitalism.
Nothing is wrong with programming socks. But that will be a sure sign of women in the room.
Does this mean I do the deleting, then clear my cache, then log out and in, then turn sync off and on? Do I have to do this across multiple devices? Like, I’ve never found a method to log out of Google entirely on my phone, so I could do the whole process on my computer, but I may still have a phone cache?