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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 1st, 2023


  • I mean, I have a PC that is roughly the same specs, while still being in the general price ballpark. I waited for specials, took advantage of vendor specific price reductions (such as company specific credit card discounts when I had the money to pay outright), bought a couple things second hand, bought two things that were ope box (returned but nothing wrong), and I already had a decent monitor. This, as you probably can tell, was a pain in the ass, but I have a PC that is a little more powerful, with a lot more storage, for just shy of 900 USD, after taxes. So not bad. However I don’t expect normal people to go through that, I kinda enjoy the process.

    But the only way to really compare the two is in a holistic manner. Without including the costs of using the console, through its life, it just isn’t a fair comparison.

  • Consoles are actually not priced to make a profit, they sell at a loss. They do this because they have a premium on games, and games exclusive to them. On top of this they charge for a variety of services, things that are free for similar games on PC.

    PCs’ cost is up front. The cost of a console continues fore the life time of that console. If you have a PS5 for the average cycle to produce a newer version, you will have paid 800 dollars just for the ability to play their games online. That makes it $1500 dollars at this point. This isn’t even including all the other little costs, and average of higher prices for games, the premium price on their devices/accessories, or the cost of the TV, etc.

    On top of this you can’t also use your PS5 to work, like you can with a PC, or anything, really, other than gaming, and a select number of things, that you will be able to do with the things you need to have for the console, like a TV.

  • It doesn’t matter that he didn’t accept it. The KKK’s endorsement is the KKK saying that you are the candidate that is in their favor. Simply being in the favor of the KKK is a black mark.

    What is 100% a set-up? The KKK endorsement? No, they really did endorse Trump, as an organization. Are you talking about PD standing there, with that sign? Sure, he went there to do that. Was he an agent of the government, or some influential organization? No, he is just an internet troll, that doesn’t meet the requirements to be an agent provocateur. Further, what he did, did not make it seem as though the group, he had infiltrated, did something they had not, in order to malign them with the general public/government of review. He stood there, with a sign, that said something that is true.