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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: April 13th, 2024


  • It seems to boil down to the question of how much you believe in the Recs market working.

    The way I understand those Recs is, they pay extra to have green energy produced, but it’s not in the location where they are actually using energy. So their actual energy use is much more grey than what they pay for, but they essentially say as long as the correct pricing signal reaches the location independant energy market this is good for green energy buildup.

    Now the idea behind that must be that it’s more sensible to support green energy production in places where projects are being built, where they perhaps can be most efficiently built, rather than trying to bribe the local suppliers into building green energy locally, where perhaps the location isn’t even well suited. It’s kind of understandable from that perspective.

    But I can see how there would be lots of corrupting influences here. The companies local to the green electricity producers can factually claim that the local power is greenly produced without paying for the Recs, and the remote companies can pay the Recs and claim they are supporting green energy. In the end you have a sort of double counting of the green energy, swallowing up some of the market demand for an actual buildup of more green energy capacity. Or even more nefarious, maybe a company could start issuing more Recs than green energy production actually justifies.

    The system also masks out the issue of actually transmitting and storing the green energy from where and when it’s produced to where and when it’s needed. Even if you have perfect Recs accounting in the system, nothing guarantees that the pricing signals align time wise. Green energy prices should be higher during the night or winter, but that’s not reflected in time independant Recs.

    And finally the existance of the Recs system absolves the data center builder from choosing a location where green energy can be produced or transmitted to. If this ends up placing a datacenter close to a coal power station, and then they buy Recs from a solar park in a desart far away. In the end this makes it harder for the local community to overcome the need for the coal power station. It might have been possible to build enough local green energy and storage without the datacenter next door, but once it’s there soaking up lots of local capacity it’s going to be much harder to replace the local grey producer.

  • I’m in the state of Georgia: no provision for breaks are given at all.

    Oh man that’s brutal.

    I used to live in the UK: I think the rule was employers are required to give 30 mins per 10 hours worked, cannot be in the first or last hour.

    Yeah here in Switzerland it’s similar to the UK rule. Any shift longer than 6 hours needs to be interrupted by an unpaid but uninterrupted break of at least 30min for eating, such that there isn’t more than a 6 hour continuous work period on either side of the break, IIRC.

    Our standard for full-time employment is 8.4h per day. (That’s a bit high in comparison to neighboring countries). It’s very usual that you get your eating break somewhere between 11:30-13:30 o’clock, maybe on rotation with coworkers if you need to keep the phones staffed.

    In my office job we all go together from around 11:45 to 12:45.

  • My entire company of 150 people here in Switzerland in Zürich has 11 parking spaces, one is reserved for the CEO, who doesn’t even use it often, three are rented by other C-suite members, five are for visitors or the occasional internal reservation, and two hold our bike racks.

    But you really have to be masocistic to even want to drive in Zürich during the commuting times. Right in front of our office there is an train station for a local train line right under the river, and on the side of our block there is a tram station. Or you can walk to the main station in 10 minutes. I usually bike home though, it’s half an hour and at least somewhat counteracts my sedentary lifestyle.