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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • This might sound tin foil hat-y, but the doctor - Petrak - is a contractor without an incentive to complete the work in a timely or efficient manner. I can’t see why he would push for a speedy closure.

    That plus a hospital that doesn’t want to be sued for malpractice, plus a government agency where they would rather check boxes and maximize their metrics*, than consider the damage of their policies to innocent people is a recipe for torturing the public.

    * I would assume they’re going for number of investigations, and not efficiency. They probably count raw numbers, and do what they can to catch every little thing - thoroughness can be good, mind you - because finding something is “proof” of their efficacy.

    It’s a shame more families don’t sue in these circumstances to make the involved parties check themselves to ensure they aren’t causing more harm than good.

  • I haven’t yet looked at the map (I will!), but I’m struck by the idea that perhaps a map should exist that shows how USDA hardiness zones will shift. (I mean - according to best guesses.)

    If I had the ability, it would be interesting to make a map that asks users what their favorite local tree or animal is, and tells them how long it will be able to survive near them. Nearly impossible to account for all use cases, but I digress. Even simpler - Go for a map of state trees, flowers, and animals with extinction times for each to let folks know how long each state can hold onto its signature species. Well, for the ones that aren’t already gone, anyway.

  • You connect with someone, pool your resources and efforts, and live together.
    If nothing else, you’ll have someone to miss you when you choke to death.

    But seriously, all we have is each other. Some folks may never partner up romantically, but they can still build their own sense of community and family. Cooking for 2 is easier than cooking for 1, and cooking for 4 is even easier still. According to realtor.com’s July rental report, a single bedroom apartment in the U.S. averages $1600, and a 2 bedroom is $1900. Splitting that 2 bedroom with a roommate is way more economical than going it alone. Paying bills, planning things, having a vehicle break down, needing to share housework — Life is just easier with community. Many hands make light work.

    I’m not trying to paint a rosy picture. It seems right now that capitalism has “won.” With rare exception we’re all peasants, and we all face the same grim reality of being captive to systems that lower our quality of life and increase our challenges to strip every ounce of value from us and the environment around us. Maybe together, we can make it suck less, or at least try to.