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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • I asked a guy sitting behind me in training if it was noticeable, because I couldn’t really tell in the mirror since it was so far back. He said yes, so there it went. I decided to take possession of who I was and get rid of it all, no sense in lying about it or covering it up. Before then I personally buzzed it to a quarter inch.

  • NJSpradlin@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldthe calm after the weird
    12 days ago

    Remember the dark years from 2016-2020? Doom scrolling became a huge thing back then. It’s not going to stop if we fall back, again. It’ll be doom scroll after doom scroll of rights being stripped, of the president looking like a fool globally, etc. never ending shit storm.

    If the other person gets elected? Someone’s going to complain that she got her nails done on taxpayer dollars.

  • Ethan Hawke’s Predestination deals with this, but with time travel instead of cloning. That being said, the incest issue is less about the genetics of it, since its generations over time that becomes the problem (see any royal inbreeding family across time and fiction) vs a one-off situation (for genetics). The bigger issue is the psychological trauma of the abuse of siblings or parents/older relatives.

    If we go back to ‘is it or is it not incest’ instead of ‘is incest bad, genetically or psychologically’… I’d say no. Its masturbation. You’re having sex with yourself, and (hopefully) willingly.

  • Of the recent series, I enjoyed them all but this one was pretty cool. I felt like I was in the world much like I did playing Horizon series. Minus the advanced technology and robots, it felt* similar. Dystopian, lost civilization, uncovering pieces of lost tech, uncovering lost history debunking modern beliefs, really cool stuff. And the actress was great.

    Sure, the clearly visible alternate route into the bunker that no one had looked for before…? Whatever. Fucking awesome eagles fucking shit up, and an entire culture around them. I liked it, the whole movie.