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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • As someone that works in QA, yeah, they needed something to catch this. I saw someone mention somewhere without a source that they missed it as all test machines have their full suite of software installed. In that scenario, the computer wasn’t affected. So for QA it seems their labs might need to be more in tune with the user base.

    However, the fact that they are able to push this so quickly worldwide seems like a big process issue. I get 0 day issues and that is how they justify it. But deploy to a small subset of customers before going global seems more reasonable.

  • Eventually I figured it out. Thanks for following up. See copy/pasted comment below:

    So I was able to fix it after I realized font size changes require a refresh of posts. Disabling use system font size and the refreshing the posts solved the font size issue. I appreciate the invite to Discord, but life gets in the way.

  • Notice the gap in disparity between my name at the top, the font in the bottom row and the posts. I get it won’t all be the same, but I also tried to show a post with not aton of text being in 5 rows.

    Now compare to Voyager the same-ish posts…

    To me, it’s much cleaner and closer to my system font size. Not the end of the world, but when just scrolling through posts irks me, I look for alternatives. Though I did find a few other things I liked while figuring out how to reply and post images.

    At the end of the day, I’m reasonable. People like what they like and tend to stick to that. I found WefWef/Voyager fist and it felt and looked like Apollo (font size and all). Then I found Memmy, so that might also play into it.