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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023


  • You can’t have? Or you can’t be sure?
    Because you certainly can have. Just because you pay, doesn’t mean they will log your searches. In fact Kagi claim they don’t. And since their only income comes from paying users. If anyone ever found out they’re lying about that, they’d quickly loose a big chink of subscribers and income. As well as get sued for fraud. So it’s rather unlikely they do.

    Unlike every other search provider, Kagi is the only one with a business model that ensures it’s users are the customer, not the product. When actually using it every day, that’s quite obvious in the results. Even when you search for a company directly, it’s Wikipedia entry is usually the first result. The the company site is the second.

  • I’m not trying to pick on Harris specifically here. It’s just a perfect example of politicians being asked direct yes or no questions, and them giving paragraph long responses that don’t actually answer the question.

    Do you believe that climate change is largely driven by human activity, including the burning of fossil fuels? If not, is there a different cause you would cite?

    Didn’t say yes.

    Do you believe climate change is making disasters such as hurricanes, wildfires and heat waves more intense?

    Almost said yes.

    Should climate change be addressed through government action or market forces?

    Practically a yes. I award a half credit.

    Do you support clean-energy tax credits such as those for electric vehicles?

    Again half credit. Not an actual yes.

  • Roads aren’t built to last forever. They all need maintenance. Semis cause more wear and damage on all roads, requiring more repairs. So yes, if that cost isn’t already baked into the cost of trucking everything, it only makes sense to start doing so.

    The other option, is to give up on the idea of vehicles paying for roads. We could just use general tax money from everyone, as everyone benefits from quality roads. That would also be logically consistent.