• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 21st, 2023


  • Reporting back, just finished watching the movie.

    I’ll start by saying I like horror movies in general, but not really the torture stuff like Saw or The Collection and things like that, hence why I’ve seen Saw 1, 2, and maybe 5 and that’s it.

    I do enjoy the basic premise where he only goes after people that have it coming as far as movie victims go, and that he gives them a bit of a chance to survive, especially if they would just stop being assholes for a minute.

    This movie felt like what I remember if the early saw movies. I think watching the TS version may have helped a little, reducing the video quality to make it feel even more vintage, but it was fine for my viewing given my overall interest level.

    I could recognize the main cast of characters, but even if I didn’t, it fills you in on all you need to know, so it can definitely stand on its own.

    The traps did all seem pretty original ish. Since there’s nothing new plot wise here, it’s still you have X minutes to free yourself painfully or you die. As far as are these things you could make yourself from Home Depot parts, maybe one or 2 of them, but they’re still a bit out there, but better than I remember some stuff being in other movies.

    Overall, I think if you enjoy this type of movie you should give it a shot. If you don’t like them at all, it’s not going to win you over. It still made be feel queasy and uncomfortable in a not pleasant way. I feel the traps are still pretty unfair and sadistic and are more revengey than teachy, but that’s just me. But if you like the originals and fell off the series somewhere, you can watch this no problem.

  • Very valid points. I forgot WordPad existed and I use Notepad way more than I’ve ever used WordPad. But many people still havent really used computers much in depth beyond specific things they’ve been shown.

    I know I could just use Google Docs or throw LibreOffice in there, but many people now in retirement age have still managed to dodge learning much about computers.

    If you deliver a new computer that can’t type a letter, send an email, and play YouTube out of the box, that seems like a fail. And I feel many that won’t know what do do without something like WordPad also may not have an Internet connection, nor should they have to if they just need a presentable looking doc.

  • I’m from the US, and usually all we hear about Australia and New Zealand is of the scary, deadly animals. I’ve been happy to see so many articles on Lemmy about all the work they are doing on endangered animals like this bird and the bandicoots.

    I’m also surprised that so many of these programs seem to involve indigenous people. I don’t know much about that part of the world, but I wish we would involve our native people in things like this. It feels we still keep ourselves cut off from each other. It makes all these feel good animal stories into feel good people stories.

  • I don’t block too many things, because there can occasionally be news related to a topic I have no interest in that is still interesting. Like I have no interest in sports, but if there’s something big like a scandal or arrest or some great play it mistakes, it’s fun to catch that stuff.

    The main things I outright block are anything NSFW that is definitely not for me, but mostly it’s just about all of the meme communities. The amount of material those groups churn out is overwhelming and so many just seem so low effort. Things like programming humor generally don’t bother me much, but most are just meh.