Also known as snooggums on and

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I remember the anarchit’s cookbook and knowing it was terrible at the time. One dumb friend was able to prove it while luckily avoiding seeious injury!

    But what I also learned back then was criticsl thinking as a lot of early websites were just as terrible, but it was a bit easier to tell they were terrible because they did not have any sulporting information like references or examples. Today it is fairly easy to dismiss youtube videos where the person is enthusiastic or doesn’t show the thing from start to finish. The best auto repair videos were some guy with a handheld camera (probably a phone) walking through the process and explaining what they were doing and why. If they stuggle a bit, even better! My favorite channel for someone doing wordworking explains everything in a calm and clear way, shows the process, and explains the ins and outs and why they might have done it differently in the past!

    The worst ones are someone enthusiastic showing five second clips and not mentioning anything about safety or how to know if you are doing it wrong. They are entertainment personalities and not a source of knowledge!

  • If someone accused you of being pro-Trump and you said “I’m registered independent” do you think they’d be like ‘oh, nm carry on then’?

    If they asked I would say ‘no’ instead of trying to dodge the question.

    You asked about something specific, whether someone was ‘officially’ something and I answered the question. You asked a question that is apparently different than the thing you want to argue about, which is who they (currently?) support.