Why would an airplane need software updates?
Based Marxist-Leninist-Kollontajist
Why would an airplane need software updates?
Now ask Han people living in Xinjiang if they feel any animus towards Uyghurs. We all know what a genocide looks like, and there is nothing like that in Xinjiang
Another one for the bear:
Makes internet incels shit their pants
afton robotics but aperture
The script has flipped from “communism is when no iphone” to “communism is when iphone”
[Insert Lenin quote about weeks where decades happen]
mfw a deleted comment is still getting updooted
I live in Rasmus’s walls
You actually live in Wakkanai, Hokkaido, Japan
Why did you spell “rôle” like that
Are you Fr*nch?
Meanwhile, when Israhell does it, it gets support from "anti"fa in Germany
why did you lock the sub?
That is, if they exist
Well, these pseudo-guilds do not affect gameplay in any way, i. e. they’re not rly that significant
Meth: Blue version
As an autistic person, this is stupid.
i want to have my PC connect directly to the internet so there can be incoming traffic directly to it rather than thru a router
Libipedia actually once called the Stern Gang “leftist on economic issues”