Looks like we have a few subscribers to this community so I figured Id make a “poll” of sorts. Are most people already rocking the servarr stack or do we have anyone who is here to learn? If you already have a stack, whats your setup? Ill go first.
Im currently running my homelab on consumer hardware, just an old gaming PC I had. i7-4790k with 32gb of ddr3 ram and a gtx 1060. Im running truenas Scale on it, and I moved from ubuntu server. Ive got the whole *arr stack running except for whisparr along with a bunch of other self host programs like vault warden and audiobookshelf.
I have a Dell R730XD with 128Gb RAM and a 49TB array. It’s way overkill for my needs, but I have fun with a lot of docker containers running on Unraid. I can also host a few web apps for my own needs. The Unraid docker GUI became way too slow to use, so now I manage everything through Portainer and modified everything to use stacks and docker compose. It’s much easier to manage now.
I’d never heard of *arr stuff before seeing thie community and am here to learn! I’ve dabbled in jellyfin before but nothing currently due to hardware issues.
I’m in a similar boat - I’ve tried the arrs but not successfully.
I have had most success installing stuff on my Unraid server. But an old windows laptop will work for sure too. There is a lot of good guides on YouTube and the https://trash-guides.info/ are valuable too!