I am wanting a macro pad for work, but we are not allowed to install software on them and even the websites we have access to is limited. I don’t want to have to use my personal computer or take the pad home whenever I want to make a more complex macro and am wondering if there are any where the keys can be configured using a configuration file stored onboard?
That’s my worst case, but I’d rather not as there are times when I’d like to change the macros during work and I won’t be bringing a personal computer with me to work to do so.
If you’re allowed to have flash media, KMK as mentioned elsewhere just lives on the microcontroller as a python script, and the keymap is very human readable. I have made everything from a 4x3 macropad to a 102-key compact 1800 with it.
Buy the cheapest VIA capable device you can find and bring it in to work to test.