correct, if you made a mistake you could unremove it. If it’s so terrible you never want to see it again you can use “purge” to permanently remove it, but there’s only 1 post I’ve gone that far on
As a moderator, you should have at least one additional non-moderator account you can log in with to see what things look like from the perspective of a non-moderator. Highly recommended.
No permanent removing here. Pretty sure you’re done, it’s invisible to most of the public.
oh it’s visible because I’m admin/ mod ?
Yep. It’ll also remain visible to the broader public in your modlog, if anyone wants to check. Some of us do sometimes.
correct, if you made a mistake you could unremove it. If it’s so terrible you never want to see it again you can use “purge” to permanently remove it, but there’s only 1 post I’ve gone that far on
As a moderator, you should have at least one additional non-moderator account you can log in with to see what things look like from the perspective of a non-moderator. Highly recommended.