Hi all,
I’m in a unique situation where my landlord can’t log in to his router nor is around/cares to contact the ISP to do so. This is my current setup. Does anyone know how I might go about measuring the latency between the router and my end devices (area shaded in orange)? I’m just curious to see how much my setup is introducing in terms of online games and what not.
And yes, 40 mbps is all we get out in suburban Alaska. Cope with me.
Ipconfig from cmd will tell you the router IP. Go there in your browser.
The router login is usually admin/password or is written on the actual router.
Boom router access and you can do as you please
I’ve tried several different approaches but the ISP locks the root account on the router but will change it to whatever you want if you call as the account holder. This is the easiest approach at this point.
Don’t fuck with other people’s equipment…