European researchers said Thursday that the the start of June saw global surface air temperatures rise 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels for the first time. That is the limit governments said they would try to limit global warming to at a 2015 summit in Paris.
Christ. We need massive, global action. We need people in the west to commit to drastically lowering their carbon footprints, ideally by finding alternatives to gas powered cars and cars in general, and we need immediate action on geo-engineering. Atmospheric cloud dust, carbon capture, everything. We can’t debate the ethics and morals forever. We just desperately need to start acting.
No I think I’ll just [redacted] ExonMobile HQ, sprinkle in some [redacted] pipelines, industrial [redacted] and maybe decide to [redacted] shareholders and CEOs.
Yes, the time for debate and discussion are over. We just need people doing things and trying things on mass scale. I would highly recommend writing to your local representatives and ensuring they know it’s an issue people do care about. We need change from the bottom up and top down.
Aaaaaand you’ve succumbed to corporate propaganda. Carbon footprint is a term coined by BP marketing to shift blame to individuals instead of corporations so nothing would be done about it.
We need the GOVERNMENTS of the world to start drastically reducing corporate carbon footprints. Which will then force peoples’ footprints down when the cheap high-carbon goods and services are no longer available.