Do you get immediate medical treatment after, and is it free?
Do you get immediate medical treatment after, and is it free?
Acute subdural hematoma is usually secondary to a head injury, such as from a fall. In that case it’d be covered, right?
Practical Engineering is such a good channel. I feel like Grady strikes a really good balance of high enough production value that it doesn’t get in the way of paying attention, while still being extremely educational.
Looks like your spoilers aren’t working - spoilers on lemmy are three : on either side of the spoiler.
Because people just show up at rush hour for shits and giggles, and not because that’s their non-negotiable lunch break or their trip home. This is a stupid move.
Even those can still have some benefit - it can act as a networking opportunity for people to meet each other and plan other events / get involved in other ways, it can give a morale boost to people considering giving up, etc.
Same, it usually whacked about half the attempted majors into another major. In the first half of senior year. They kept wondering why their program wasn’t growing much even though similar colleges’ programs were growing like mold on a dorm shower curtain. I enjoyed the course and never used the primary skills taught in it again.
Oh my god, is that how you find all the sov-cit stuff?
I live with an adult with a similar neurotype. My experience is that the advice in this thread can all help, especially regarding “Is there anything I can do to make this more comfortable for you?” and “This is important because…” stuff. But once the PDA gets really ingrained against something, there’s just nothing I can do. I just have to leave her to it and hope she comes around. As an adult, she is capable of making her own decisions…but I have no idea what to do when the person involved is a kid that might not really understand long-term repercussions. I know that the times when her parents really put their foot down ended up extremely exacerbating the PDA and ultimately led to her ability to exercise her autonomy being extremely damaged. But they also weren’t…uh…empathetic about it (lots of screaming and shouting), so I don’t know if putting their foot down was the problem, the verbal abuse, or both.
Sorry for the mild ramble with no real advice, just saying I commiserate. It’s really fucking hard to live with an adult with that neurotype, I can’t imagine trying to care for a child. I wish you luck.
Brain’s face says it all. “I fucked it up so I guess I’ll never do any of this again.”
Wow, that’s literally “Hang-them-from-a-gallows” treason. I wonder if anyone will even get a wrist-slap.
If this doesn’t get hammered to hell, we’re even more fucked than we are now.
Being an ass
She called the police at the 24th Precinct and said she thought an owl might need help.
“Is that that famous big owl that’s flying around?” an officer said.
Two officers arrived a short time later and shooed the owl away by shining a flashlight in its eyes, Ms. Aaron said.
Sounds about right…
Settled went to weekly and I’m so hyped.
Forest + Penguin = Tux ?
What do forests have to do with Tux?
Duh. But tell me again about how it was totally about PlAgIaRiSM
I could be wrong, but I think the point that @weeeeum was making is that by the point you retire, your body and mind are so wrecked from having been overworked for 30+ years that ‘just go outside’ is an agonizing prospect. Yeah, if you make it to that point and can still go outside and do fun stuff then great. But if you retire at 65, are male, and American, then you’re retiring at the average healthy life expectancy for your group and on average have about a decade of declining health to ‘look forward to’. Chart
Could it be…greed?