FAFO, asshole
FAFO, asshole
I think they’re talking about subscriptions to use features that are already on the car. Connected services like remote start as a service can eat shit.
Agree on the attachment concept. Also, the Clone Wars connection of Obi-Wan to Bail Organa was not established while Qui-Gon was still alive, so the continuity of Leia’s holographic plea would have been broken.
I agree that niacin is great for sleep, but that’s quite a large dose of niacin. The average person is going to have a pretty significant flush effect just from a 50mg dose. 1g is gonna prickle and burn like nobody’s business.
Headed straight for L Ron Hubbard.
Considering how many appearances he made on WWF/WWE events, he’s well aware of how this works in the wrestling ring.
The concept of this quantity even being known is saddening and disturbing. This should be private information and not even shared through abstraction. The slippery slope of potential ex post facto revenge (and let’s not fool ourselves, revenge is the proper term for what might happen if this data is ever acted upon) is very real. And for anyone on the right who thinks this is overreaction, remember that you have expressed the same concerns regarding registries of your 2A rights. And both arguments are valid. There should not be tracking on politically sensitive topics like this. This divisive culture of politics is corroding our country.
Oh great……. CONTEXT. NOW what am I supposed to do with all of this boiling rage?
I would love it if the auto TL;DR bot would summarize every article about nestle with simply, “Fuck nestle” and save its compute cycles for other news.
And how much of the plastic remains in the food chain when animals eat the worms? This likely isn’t the good news that it appears to be on the surface. I know an old lady who swallowed a fly….