I wonder how many people will leave Tumblr for CoHost after this death flag the site received.
Automatic is trying to breake at least even with the site, but I’m afraid they’ll do worse once that will fail as well.
I wonder how many people will leave Tumblr for CoHost after this death flag the site received.
Automatic is trying to breake at least even with the site, but I’m afraid they’ll do worse once that will fail as well.
Troppo tardi, ora gli utenti di Firefox si mobiliteranno per rispondere al torto.
The right-wingers own the media and repress dissent with police and penal procedures. Doesn’t help that opposition it’s weak and headless like in Italy and other countries.
Magari fanno come in Germania dove scansionano anthe le chat per contenuti simili.
Quindi un ipotetico controllo anti-porno per i minorenni porterebbe più minorenni verso siti poco sicuri?
Mi chiedo se la corte costituzionale italiana sarà altrettanto tempestiva come quella austriaca, altrimenti sarebbe il solito danno contro i consumatori e gli utenti.
Mi chiedo che impatto avrà per i siti e per i loro utenti.