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free julian assange

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Yeah man, Debian has no future. Food ain’t free, someone get them a robust monetisation scheme, a corporate sponsor! Otherwise they’ll stagnate. No idea how they managed to hold on for 30 years without any of that, the poor fellows. /s

    I actually wrote two long ass responses to this but lemmy bugs caused both of them to be deleted before I could hit send. Good thing, actually, because I can summarize them in a paragraph. EDIT: well nvm, I ended up typing an equally long one all over again…

    Lichess, Stockfish, Tachiyomi, and in the world of Linux, Debian; all these are proudly open-source, proudly non-commercial, going nowhere any time soon, and no corporate daddy. To commercialize itself or seek a profit motive would be completely against lichess’ purpose, and it’s the darling of the chess community - not likely to disappear one fine day, is it now?

    Sure, open-source projects can monetize and there’s nothing wrong with that - that’s down to the ethos of each individual project. But for so many of these projects, doing exactly what you’re suggesting would be completely antithetical to their culture and ethos, even their purpose of existing!

    I’m just so tired of this “only corporations and self-interested motives will get us anywhere” attitude. It’s so fundamentally blind, so disrespectful to the ingenuity of the human spirit and its desire to strive for the common good. The fact is, many strong and robust projects which have contributed to the good of humankind and are more than just “decent” exist, for no other reason than someone simply wanting to write something cool, or make the world a better place. And they will continue on for a long time, for those same reasons.

    I did not expect to read some nonsense that sounds like it came out of a 90’s era Microsoft executive’s mouth (complete with “food is not free”, my god) on lemmy. I expected to read it even less on the piracy community. Steve Ballmer, is that you?

    I just finished reading a manga that was translated by random people from a certain anonymous cloverleaf website, for no other reason than they wanted to - not for money, not even to have their names attached to the damn thing, because they’re identified only as “anon”.

    The view of the world put forth in this comment denies that what I just experienced is even possible, sticks its fingers in its ears and tries its best to ignore some of humanity’s best work (because acknowledging it would be fatal to the central hypothesis). All to insist that selfishness is the best way forward and that we need the powerful and mighty, the vagaries of money, to give us lemmings purpose in life. It is just such a profoundly sad, empty way of looking at life, I genuinely don’t know what to say…

  • fuck this, man. i hope someone sues their ass and wins; though i’m not sure how or even if it’s possible. the GPL does have this:

    You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the rights granted or affirmed under this License. For example, you may not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of rights granted under this License.

    but i don’t know if legally speaking, that really extends to them selectively choosing to terminate relationships with customers who exercise their GPL rights. what’s certain is that it’s an incredible asshole move and violates the spirit of the GPL and FOSS in general.

    i have to admit i don’t always agree with the stallman position on things, but shit like this really makes me see the value of copyleft licenses and the arguments of the hardcore free software camp. software freedom is so easily lost :(

    stallman was right.


    here you go, keep in mind that it’s 2 days old so probably best not to comment on it and shake up a pot that’s now settled. just sit back, read and laugh instead

    (wish i could give you a properly formatted link that would load the post in your instance instead of booting you off-site, but as of now i don’t think there’s syntax that lets you share proper links to posts, like there is with communities. does each instance just number every post on the network by itself? so far that’s what it’s been looking like to me)

  • thankfully, that isn’t really the case on your (which also happens to be my) instance.

    we’ve been blocked by precisely one actual instance - the predominantly German-speaking, for having open signups, which i’m sure is something we could hash out with them in the future. (technically there are also instances that block us which are run by single persons for their own use. in effect, this amounts to a single user blocking us for themselves, which obviously is fine).

    we ourselves have defederated from precisely one instance -, the political one for authoritarian communists. this was probably done to avoid unpleasant political spam posts from showing up. personally, i think we could get rid of even this one block as the users can decide whether to block that instance for themselves or not; i might post asking about it later.

    and most importantly, the admins here have explicitly stated that the policy is to avoid defederation at all possible avenues. this statement more than anything really made me feel like i chose the right instance.

    FMHY for the win!

  • while I didn’t mind having this show up in my feed, i’m glad that you kept in mind the cultural norms against self-promotion on reddit, which i think will (and definitely should!) carry over to lemmy/kbin. i think it’s important to be mindful of it especially when linking one’s own external site.

    and since this is the fediverse, it could and should go further on the privacy front than reddit did. i’d really like if in the future we see lemmy/kbin develop etiquette around linking sites which load google analytics/other spyware and trackers.

    p.s. i’m not on mastodon. how do you tag a lemmy community from it? using a tag in the body of the post, like you would for another mastodon user?