Blet Boo
How did you access Dall-E 3 already? I thought that one was still in beta?
It’s a shame that so many people will still use it.
Maybe because the only “innovations” that can be made to the smartphone is new cameras and new form factors, and only one of those is being focused on
You gotta be your gobbiest
That’s why I use a sealed thermos
The IT department greentext who kept doing nothing and installing Adobe Reader constantly
Summarize it for a yet-to-be lost soul?
It’s not terrorism, it’s 🌟🌍ecoterrorism🌎🌟
Wash it down with a glass of gender fluid
It consists only of “gonk”
Honestly, I never used Paint XP. I’ve only used the modern version.
Well yes, that’s the explanation given for masquerading as a police box from the 60s at all times, chameleon circuits are broken and brakes are stuck on
He knows a guy who knows the bestest words, and he says his words are the besterest there ever is
Xbox 720 real 2028??
As someone who enjoys doodling in Paint, this is great
Guillotine all the billionaires and redistribute all their wealth. That’s an important first step
“don’t worry, you can form a new 3-year attachment with Bogo 2 for just $29.99!”
Vocaloids are far from perfect singers. It’s like saying that because abstract art was invented all forms of art in the future would be abstract.
Also, looking at some of the current use of AI voices, there’s no doubt it can be used for mainstream VA work